Thursday, April 30, 2009

a self sermon

So I think to myself a lot. I find that I am a great sounding board, so I plan and compose things in my head, sometime saying snippets out loud to get the feel for them. Besides assuring that I get so zoned in that I tune everyone else out, and get strange looks when I suddenly start talking to myself, this leads me down some interesting paths of thought.

The other day during my devotions, I was thinking. (I know, I'm so terrible to be wandering around in my head when I should be reading, studying, praying, etc) Anyway, I was thinking that my relationship with God is not what it should be. I mean I've heard sermons all my life about how God is the friend you have with you at all times, and the one you can talk to whenever. But it still seems like He's the friend I have on speed dial. Just a call away, but think before you disturb Him. I find myself checking how late it is "Hey God. Did I wake you up?" or the current state of the world. "Just wanted to pop in and say hi! know your really busy right now what with wars and elections and all. Give me a call back when you get some free time."

Then my thoughts shifted to how much I take my relationship for granted. It's like I've always been a Christian, and sometime I just forget. I sought in my mind for something to compare it with, you know, just in case someone walked along and asked me what I was thinking. My hair, I thought. My relationship with God is like my hair. Its there all the time, but its not something you think about all the time. Like sometime I forget what exact color my hair is. No i thought, that's no good, I mean your suppose to work daily to keep up your relationship with God. Hair is not a good comparison. And then the other side of my brain said, sure it is. You comb your hair everyday. If you don't take the time for it one day, it looks a bit frizzy. But if you leave your hair alone for to long, pretty soon its full of tangles and snarls, its dirty and just looks horrible.

Then I came out of my head and laughed at myself. What a perfectly useless sermon illustration I thought, you loose half of your congregation on that one. How many guys really comb their hair every day? And with a small shake of my head I put aside my momentary ministerial aspirations, and went back to my Bible reading, trying not to let myself be distracted again.

1 comment:

Melissa Phelps said...

Well I like it :)
Although, I'm ashamed to say there have probably been days were it took me longer to come my hair than have my devotions.