Monday, April 13, 2009

a medium size post

*I have added two rabbits to my growing little farm, and continue on the quest for ducks.

*I attempted to bottle feed two sick puppies through the night but was unsuccessful they now rest with their three brothers and sister who went before them. Out of a litter of eleven we have six left. I may have to shoot Sydney before this is over with, as she is not even the least bit interested in them and has actually tried and succeeded in killing some of them. (the aforementioned two.)

*I spent a pleasant night amongst my friends at the house of a former employer of mine, a currant employer of Leanna. We stayed up late watching movies, and had a cream soda tasting.

*I am completely obsessed with cream soda at the moment, I buy all the different brands I can find (mostly from Jungle Jim's) and try them one by one. I have tasted about a dozen different varieties with at least three more in my fridge. I have all the regular types from Jungle Jim's, and will have to start looking for a new source.

*I am making great progress with the ever so mistrustful Oliver, my cat, whom I received as a Christmas present from Tiffany, I have yet to lay hands on him, mostly because I am fond of my hands, such as they are. He does however walk about the room while I read at night, and yesterday afternoon as I lay reading on the floor, he actually came slinking up and sniffed my hand! I thought I would faint away. He still runs when I walk toward him, which I do only when he is blocking the exit of my room, but I continue to worm my way into his heart by buying canned food as a treat, and stocking my room which enough cat toys to make all the strays in Cincinnati very happy. I keep a cat play set in my room, a scratching thing, and a bag of catnip. I am confident of success, however long it takes.

*My dogs continues to escape on occasion, though I can tell his heart is not really in it and he just wants the attention. His bark collar continues to test my Christianity, as I have paid a good deal for it, and know it works when it is on, but when the collar is on, the shock box, falls off, and when the box is on, the collar comes loose. I have bought nuts and bolts, lock washers, and zip-it-strips, and I cannot get the confounded things to stay together.

*My chickens grow. My rabbits are becoming more tame. I have an established pet feeding routine, even if I have not got a set time yet. Feed the dog, feed the chickens and rabbits, feed the cat if he needs it, and . . . blast it all, I forgot to feed the fish . . . again. I have written a note on my hand in hopes of remembering, but I do not worrying to much, they seem to be hardy little fish and neither my neglect nor the changing weather has had an effect on them.

*In short, my life continues much the same. I am out of school this term, but I hope to work more. I still need to practice for my driving test. I have a little writing project I plan to work on, and in my off time, Dad still needs help at the restaurant. I helped him grout the other day, and it was kinda nice to be back working with my hands, getting dirty. I like to be able to see what I have accomplished and know that it will remain there for others to see. I never did like paperwork to much. (Oh no! I think I may have ink on my chin from leaning on my palm while rereading the post. Dumb little fish note!)

*I fear my medium size post has turned into a long one, and I apologize to you who have kept slogging through it all to come to this conclusion. For those of you who gave up halfway through I have no pity, but also no hard feelings, after all, it is just as likely that I have skim read some of your blog as well. And with that I will say goodnight, and return to my paperwork.

1 comment:

TKB said...

medium my tookus! but informative I'll give you that...