Thursday, January 15, 2009

ice floats

How do I know that God is real?
Because ice floats.
Because hearts generate their own electrical current.
Because snow hares turn white in winter.

I know God is real because the world spins around in circles, never to close and never to far from the sun. Because we live. The human body is the most complex thing imaginable, and yet it functions. I know God is real because the season change, and the moon fades away and comes back again. Because of the water cycle. Because of the bean plants growth.

How dare you tell me that the universe exploded into being? Uranus spinning backward on its side tells me differently. How dare you suggest that for billions of years the earth was covered in slime and you and I are the result of billions and billions of lucky evolvements. How dare you say there is no purpose to life when caterpillars can turn into butterflies?

Don't give me your "theory" and call it science. I shall have my "religion" and know it fact.

Because ice floats. Who but God would have thought of that?

(something that's been on my heart lately.)


Alanna said...

Amen Amen Amen!! God so reveals Himself through His creation! It's so sad that so many people don't see it or think about it.

TKB said...

I really like this post! Thanks sis...