Wednesday, November 19, 2008

something new every day

Tomorrow will be my third day going to my new bio class, and I have already learned so much. Here is a list of a few things I've learned so far.

~ Taxonomy is a system for classifying living things using eight "steps".
As an example we used the classification of a house cat.
Domain - eukarya (this tells you that the cells of this being are more complex
Kingdom - animalia (this tells you its an animal (duh) but bare in mind humans fall under this category)
Phylum - chordata (meaning has spinal cord)
Class - mammalia (a mammal has hair, etc)
Over - carnivora (eats meat)
Family - Felidae ( of the cat family)
Genus - felius ( mostly small cats)
Species - felius catus (domestic house cat)

~Atoms are so small that it would take about a million of them to stretch across the period at the end of this sentence.

~I believe in evolution (we have defined evolution as the evolving of species to suit there environment. This is obvious, because the best suited animal survives and reproduces, giving it offspring more of those characteristics which enabled it to survive. Over time this can change the entire appearance of a species. I still believe that a monkey will always be a monkey no matter how much it changes, and to believe that one thing can change into another is the most profound form a idiocy. )

I have learned that we should not eat or drink in the laboratory, mt dew code red is only slightly less acidic than vinegar, you can reveal the iron in cereal by crushing it and dragging a magnet through it, some young men will argue with you whether the color of a base and phenthelphaelin (not sure that's spelled right) is fuchsia or violet, and that in today's generation language skills . . . well it just makes me sad.

I look forward to tomorrow and the chance to learn new things, that I may share with whomever reads this. Until then, I had better go do my homework or I shouldn't bother going to class.


Melissa Phelps said...

Don't worry, I'm gonna teach. I'm like, so gonna work on that whole, you know, language skills... thing.

Alanna said...

It's so exciting to learn things the first few days of class! Happy learning. :)