Thursday, September 10, 2009

this n that

Isn't that some kind of candy?

Well I have once again survived my annual flu-something. I did miss my one Friday class and call off work, and hack and cough for several days in the process, but other than a slight tickle, I think I'm over it.

Letha's cat Maggie had a litter of kittens of which four initially survived, but now one (the one I named, my favorite, and of course the unlucky solid black one) looks like runt-of-the-litter syndrome has kicked in and I doubt he'll make it. The others are all tortoise shell in pattern, and I have promised Dakota that I would keep one for him, the little female he named Snickerfritz. The other two, one male one female, Letha named Romeo and Juliet. Soooo. . . if you know anyone who's looking for a kitten or two, call me.

Homework is piling up, and I am falling further behind. I mark every day I have off as a catch-up day, and then proceed in not-catching-up. I need sleep, and a week's break. Already.

But I do love all my classes.

My rooster, who discovered the secret of the crow, annoyed the neighbourhood, and began attacking small children (well actually anyone. And buckets. And Baskets. Skirts too) is no longer with us. All I can say is that we did not eat him. But the nine hens continue to do well, in fact I practically have eggs coming out my ears! Gathered another 14 this morning. Hmmmm 9 hens 14 eggs - it would seem I have some over-achievers in my flock.

Goggles grows more annoying every night, sitting on my face and digging her claws into my quilt. I now sleep with a squirt bottle of water to get rid of her. Oliver too, grow bolder. I actually waked across the floor and out of the room the other day without him running terrified from the room. Amazing!

I know. I'm weird. My animals are weird. And my neighbors hate me.

Other than that, lets see,

All my text books finally arrived, three weeks into school. I have begun making quite a stir when I walk into class and pull out my massive KJV loose-leaf Bible. But hey, I can attach full size pages of notes, write books in the margins, and add in all the book-specific lecture notes right into the book! I love it!

I can feel the Autumn season set in, and feel the Christmas season growing closer. So begins my favorite time of the year. I begin playing Christmas music, planning my Christmas party, finishing shopping (started in July this year). But on my next day off, Sat. I plan to break out the fall decorations. Yes it's the most wonderful time of the year.


Alanna said...

such a happy post...loved reading it! Hope you have a good weekend! :)

TKB said...

I love that the rooster is now gone. Where'd he end up anyway? I can now spend Friday nights and actually sleep in w/o a pillow over my head. :-D

(...I want to give you names for this years party again.)

TKB said...

Oh...and check this out. It's quite funny! ;-D