Tuesday, June 2, 2009

my incomplete summer reading list

My King Arthur fix
1. The Once and Future King (a reread) ^
2. The Book of Merlin^
3. Le Morte d'Arthur

Some Classics
4. Great Expectations
5. The Great Gatsby^
6. Oliver Twist

A Few Young Readers
7. Inkspell
8. Brisinger

A Series
9. The Hobbit
10. The Lord of the Rings
11. The Twin Towers
12. The Return of the King

13. Girl with a Pearl Earring (inspired by one of the paintings at the Cincy Art Museum)

I am hoping to read at least 20 books this summer, and have several more classics in mind, but I'm always interested in something new. So if you've read a good book lately tell me and I'll see if I can work it in.


TKB said...

you've still never read To Kill a Mocking Bird or Lord of the Flys...I'd recommend both!

Issa said...

I have listened to the entire unabridge book on tape of Lord of the Flys - read by the author - except for that last chapter that cut out. But to kill a mocking bird is a good suggestion.