Thursday, July 2, 2009

Its been one of those . . .

-my Great-Aunt died yesterday
-my family left this morning at 4:30am for Oklahoma
-I forgot to go to work today and was two hours late

kind of day/week.

But . . .

-friends are coming in tonight for the weekend
-ice cream in the freezer
-whole weekend off

so things are looking up.

Wish you the best, whoever you are.


Alanna said...

I'm sorry about your week but happy for your weekend. Id be there, but i'm scheduled at work and will be hanging w/ my fam saturday night.

Enjoy the fireworks! :)

TKB said...

Yeah your week was entertaining huh? :-)

Anyway, I enjoyed the weekend...especially the ice cream - a little too much!

Love ya Sis!