For example. you thought those shelves at the top of the stairs were quaint little nick-nac shelves with an assortment of strange things on them. Wrong. Those shelves harbor two of my collections. First a collection a pig statuary. (I loved pigs as a child and began collecting them. weird huh, "hey Nichole whats your fav animal? Mines a dog." "I like pigs.") Here is a pic of a few of them.
The other shelves hold by far my strangest collection, entitled -- Gnomes, Lanterns, and Toad Stools. I really don't know how thins collection got started. I was into fairies at the time but open to other enchanted creature, when I came across a gnome, (I often forget which silent letter goes in front of gnome and so have spelled it Knome many times.) I bought said gnome. I displayed the gnome with one of my lanterns (candle holder). Later I found a little toad stool figurine in some thrift shop or other, and a collection was born. I was still unaware of it at the time. This is where things like my love of symmetry come into play. You see, one gnome was unbalanced, but two gnomes looked much better. Of course I had a lantern for this new little fellow, and quite by accident found him a toad stool too. My family noticed my new collection sooner than I did and at Christmas I received several toad stools and a few gnomes. I finally realized that I had a collection. Not of gnomes, or toad stools, but of all things together. (you will notice that one of my gnomes does not have a toad stool but rather a toad, he was quite pleased with himself about that. Here are some pics.
I have many other collections, some such as books which everyone has, other like bottles which are less common. Some I do not display such as my key chains, or post cards. others are less noticeable on display, like my bird feeders or pillows. But there are to many to list or display pictures of here, so I will content myself with these few and a promise to show and tell you of the rest some other time. Perhaps now, the next time you come to my apartment, you will not tell my how wonderfully modern it is or how you love my style, but will look closer and give my that incredulous look which I think I so deserve.