Tuesday, April 12, 2011

a little something to entertain you Part 1 of 3

I fell asleep one night and had a dream. In my dream I saw two aged men sitting in a high tower looking out a window at the world, which was stretched out below them. The world was much as it is now, for I could see great cities being built, and near them, great cities falling into ruin, I saw the flames of war destroying many, and the neglect of the ruling, lead to the rebellion of the serving. I saw men struggling to survive by the sweat of their brow, and men often the same men, losing all in a frivolous manner. The dying called out to the living, but the living failed to hear or to heed. The newly born watched the chaos around them and determined to rise above the degradation, but most only managed to contribute to the growing disaster.

And as I watched, I saw garbage pour from factories and homes, and fill the streets, then spill over to the yards and fields until the world was covered by a thick layer of garbage, and a rancid stink filled the air. Fires spread and the world rotted and burned before my eyes.

The two men sat in silence for awhile, the said one to the other, “what do you think you would need to fix this?” and he gestured out the window. “To fix the world?” asked the second man, after a moment, he began to spout a long list of things; like carefully picked leaders, all trained in the same way, with the same ideals, a large enforcing army, a plan for peace, a universal land for all, and on he went. Detailing jobs to be created, positions to be done away with, people to be gotten rid of, people to be brought forward and encouraged. Laws to be passed and laws to be abolished. After a long time, he finished his lists and was still.

“Would it be easier to start over?” said the first man. “To hand pick a few and clear the rest. Remove all traces of what once was and start afresh?” “Of course.” said the second, “for they will never managed to get all that together. No one could accomplish such a task as that.

Again silenced reined for a while, while the world through the window, sank slowly into the garbage heap around it, and emptied of all beauty. Simplicity was sought for but all meaning had been lost. Then after a time, the second man turned to the first, “What would you need for such a job?” he asked. The first man looked out the window with weary eyes, and said slowly, “I think I would need three people.” “Only three?” the second asked, “What could you possibly accomplish with only three? What type of men would these be?

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